Thus, The Bourgeois kept increasing their capital on one hand and oppressing the Proletariats on the other hand. From here, Marx arouse with his communist theory. He said that the only way with which the Proletariats can free themselves from Bourgeois exploitation is to abolish the capitalism of the Bourgeois. The proletariats must react socially and politically to defend themselves and get rid of the unequal distribution of the means of production to be able to create a classless society in which there is no private property and in which every single individual has his own right to live a comfortable life. So, Marx wants to explain that although the revolution led to an economic expansion, however, in the same time it led to a violent struggle between social classes of the western society because the Capitalists were mainly concerned about increasing their own capital while increasing the pressure on the Proletariats which led to an enormous increase in the income gap and also an increase in the number of oppressed Proletariats which encouraged them to revolute against the Bourgeois and thus as Marx Said "The Bourgeois produced its own grave diggers". .
In A Discourse on the Moral Effects of Arts and Sciences, Rousseau also dealt with the illnesses that the civilization caused to the western society not from an economic perspective, but from a humanly perspective. Rousseau's philosophy aimed at grasping an emotional and passionate side of man rather than the economical side. He argued that the advancement of the science and arts hadn't been totally beneficial to the society but on the contrary had weakened it. The advancement of knowledge had made men to lose their freedom, individuality, and sincerity. Rousseau believes that man was essentially good "a noble savage" when he was in the state of nature, before the introduction of arts and sciences. However, the introduction of arts and sciences had created a sophisticated, corrupt, and artificial society in which man had lost his individual liberty, honesty, nationalism and religious beliefs.