He basically molests her, forcing himself upon her. However, he uses overly exaggerated lanugage which is typical of a courtly lover such as "Lemman love me all atones, or I wol dyen". This contrast is a blatent paraody of the courtly love tradition and adds to the lighthearted and humourous tone. Such bedroom farces continue throughout the tale and the many conicidences which occur merely emphasise that the tale should not be taken too seriously. The events which occur in the Miller's Tale make it highly humourous, such as the trick played on Absolon and his revenge on Nicholas. .
The tale is based heavily on stereotypes and the assumptions and predicitbility of the characters add to the humourour tone. There are little character developments and this lack of detail implies the plot is based on surface meaning only. For example, there is much description of Alison and her physical attributes but there is little said on how her character developes through the tale and her attitude to the events which occur. Some of the Miller's own prejudices seem to appear within the tale as the lower classes are exploited for humour. Although this occurs in a lighthearted fashion, it is hypocritical on the Miller's part because he expresses his dislike for harsh social standings in The Miller's Prologue. The Miller mocks John as he has money but no real eductaion or intellect but in turns gets at Nicholas for his absurd use of intelligence but having no real standing in society.
The second interpretation suggests that The Miller's Tale has many moral implications and a serious undertone to the events which occur. A major theme which supports this interpretation is that of justice. By the end of the tale it appears that the majority of the characters get what they deserve. For example, Nicholas devises an intricate scheme to cuckold John but ends up in the end with his backside burnt. It appears that none of the main characters end up with what they desire at the beginning of the tale.