In Mexico many people travel there a year.
visits by tourists with most coming from the U.
are issued when the State Department recommends that Americians avoid travel to a .
certian country. The U.S. Department of States Consular Information Program provides .
travel warnings and Consular Information sweets.(Brittanica 1) .
Mexico has a beautiful land to travel in and around. Striking centuries, old ruins at .
Monte ALban and Milta afford us facinating sketches of Mexican history, even as surfers .
who flock to Puerto Escondido demonstrate what riding the Pacifics waves is all about. In .
Mexico's capital, Mexico City, we explore it's roots at Pre-Aztec Teotihiacan. Then it's a .
visit to the National Museum of Anthropology, the expansive Zocalo Square, and the .
National Palace before marveling at the floating gardens of Vochimilco. As colonal .
Merida sways to the rythm of its many music and dance offerings, day trips outside the .
city tempt us with everything from the Mayan pyramids of Chicken Itza to the ocean-side .
franquility of Pregresso. In Cancun Shari goes for a little reef snorkeling at Isla Mojeres .
beforeexploring Mayan ruins at both the coastal fortress of Tulum and Jungle-choked .
coba.(Shari Belafonte) Akumal "place of the turtle" lies 60 miles south of Cancun of .
Mexico's Yucaton Peninsula in an area known as the Tulum Corridor. Laid back and off .
the beaten track, this tiny resort community origionated as a section of a large coconut .
plantation. It wasn't until 1958 that Mexican treasure divers salvaging a sunken Spanish .
galleon discovered great sport diving opportunities along the off-shore barrier .
reef.(Discover Mexico) Diving is a great sport in this area but, spear fishing is prohibited. .
Three dive operators serve the area.Drawbacks exist for those who like pampered diving. .
Akumal dive guides are friendly and helpful, but they do not carry, store, or wash your .
gear. Akumal dive operators also offer tours to jungle pools or cenotes.