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Urbanization and Smog

             Smog has quite a few negative effects on human health; it can cause disease and death. Smog is made by urbanization and smog results in less urbanization. Urbanization causes smog, they come together, and smog causes the urbanization to go down.
             Smog is very bad for human health. It can be the cause of chronic bronchitis and asthma. If a persons lungs are continually irritated by pollutants chronic bronchitis will develop because the constant coughing will weaken the bronchial tubes. As well a lot of exposure to smog can result in emphysema and lung cancer. The automobile exhaust and particles in smog causes lung cancer. Emphysema happens when the air sacs in the lungs loose their elasticity. "Air pollution can cause serious health problems" Air pollution causes many diseases; tens of billions of dollars are .
             paid by Americans every year in health costs to treat respiratory diseases caused by air pollution. People who live in cities with a lot of smog are 3 or 4 times more likely to get respiratory diseases than someone living in a rural area. Smog is very bad for people, and that causes the area to be less desirable.
             Smog is made by urbanization. An example of this is that smog is the result of more cars, the motor vehicle exhaust mixed with sunlight in the lower atmosphere makes smog, and there would not be more cars without urbanization. As well nitrogen oxide can also be a contributor to smog. When fossil fuels (gasoline, natural gas, oil, and coal) are burned or naturally by forest fires, volcanoes and soil, nitrogen oxide is formed. "When smog is commonly formed around our cities prevailing winds and weather patterns move this health hazard over long distances. Urbanization can cause smog all over, not just where the urbanization occurs.
             Smog results in less urbanization. "Smog is the brownish yellow haze that hangs in warm still air," That does not sound very enviable. Most people would not want to live in an area with heavy smog.

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