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             Symptoms unrelated to the respiratory system are pain, headaches, bleeding weakness, bone fractures, or blood clots. In fact early diagnosis can be difficult because these mentioned symptoms are common for several diseases related of the respiratory system.
             Causes of lung cancer:.
             The number one cause of lung cancer is tobacco smoke. Tobacco and cigars contain carcinogens. Its mean addictive substances that keep people using them 85% of people diagnosed with lung cancer are current or former smokers. Anyone who has ever smocked has twice the risk of developing lung cancer as someone who never smoked. The raising awareness about the risks of smoking is very important. The hope is that education about risks will lead to earlier detection of lung cancers. Earlier detection is important to provide people with greater opportunities for successful treatment of their lung cancers.
             Diagnosing Lung Cancer:.
             It's difficult to diagnose lung cancer in early stage. Because people do not have symptoms or symptoms are vague or they are attributed to other diseases such as, stress, bronchitis, pulled muscles there are some risk factors like to have a relative in your family had before a lung cancer or any other cancer. When lung cancer is suspected doctors demand a series of test to confirm the presence of cancer and it spread: A chest x-Rays is frequently ordered as a first step in diagnosis. Computer scan and magnetic resonance imaging, this test is ordered also to confirm the diagnostic.
             How we can treat cancer?.
             The lung cancer can be treated by three forms, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. We can use one or more to treat lung cancer depending of course on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease including age and overall health. The treatment will be easier and more successful if you don't smoke.
             Surgery is the first treatment used to remove the cancerous tumor from the lung. We can use surgery when the cancer has not spread to other tissues in human body .

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