Picking and pulling of the hair and skin, preventing a wound from being able to properly heal by itself. And also trying to make bruises on the surface of the skin. Cutting is the one that is most formally talked about and discussed, and people that do the others might not see that they have a problem. Many pullout there hair in nerve racking situations, and some pick at there cuts for that spark of a little pain that hurts so much that it feels good. People don't see this as hurting themselves but as something to do when they are feeling bored or frustrated. .
"Self Injury is the act of attempting to alter a mood or state by inflicting physical harm serious enough to cause tissue damage to ones body." (Focusas page 1) There are high's and low's to every persons mood, and when the high is great and wonderful there is only one way to come , and that's down. When many hit rock bottom or come of a great high with a disappointment they don't know how to handle those drastic emotions. The people that are affected greatly can be the happiest people, usually the ones that have a very nice home and family life. They play sports and are on average a very attractive person. They have many expectations forced upon them by themselves or others, and they feel that they cannot turn to anyone else when they hit a problem along the way. But they will never tell anyone about there "secret" that they hold, never show anyone the cuts or scars. All cutters (etc) are different, for example so make one or two very deep cuts and some do a lot of very similar shallow cuts. Some cut to experience pain while others just cut to loose blood, a lot at a time. This will always be done alone and in private, this is not a group activity that people share together. (Focusas page 1).
Self abuse is NOT suicide, but it is a way to keep the "soul" alive. Cutters use this when they are mad at themselves, others and just frustrated in general, not when they want to end there life.