A very important thing to the survival of the people in India is the river. There are three main river types in India, and the first is Great Himalayan Rivers. These rivers are very large and have very fresh, clean water. These rivers are formed up in the high Himalayan Mountains and run down into the plains of central India. The Ganges River is a perfect example of a Great Himalayan river.
The next main river type is The Westward Flowing Rivers. These are the rivers of the central plains. They create very good soil for farming.
The last of the main river types of India are the Eastern Flowing Rivers of the Deccan Plateau. These rivers are formed up in the hills of the Deccan Plateau and flow eastward to the Bay of Bengal. The largest river of these is Godavri. It is only 1/3 as long as the Ganges and carries only 1/10 the amount of water.
Culturally, India is a very interesting country. It is the second largest country in population, following only china, with over 1,000,000,000 people. That is over four times the population of the United States. A strange thing about this high population is that 71% of the people live in rural areas.
A very amazing and beautiful building in India is The Taj Mahal. It is a large, white building that was made in 1648 by Prince Shah Jehan for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It took twenty-two years to build. It is the most highly visited tourist attraction in India. .
The major religion in India is Hinduism. It is the religion of 83% of the people in India. This is the practice of worshiping many gods and goddess. Hindus believe that there are three main gods that rule the world. The first is Brahama, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. The also believe that there are thousands of other gods that help these three.
Another religion that is a big part of India is Islam. The people who are in the Islam religion are called Muslims and believe that there is only one god.