A hundred years ago we ate less sugar, we now eat more sugar at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We even drink more sugar because we drink soda instead of water. Kids from an early age are encouraged to like salty, sugar-laden foods that are high in calories but extremely poor in nutrition. Talking about kids refreshed my memory of two month ago, because I work in "County Buffet" restaurant I saw a women giving her one year old baby girl a cup of soda*. I was so surprised to see a responsible adult woman giving her baby soda instead of milk or water and when I asked her why she gave her that kind of drink, she answered with a smile in her face, "What I can do? She wants everything I eat or I drink." The American Heart Association says," 3Obesity is mainly caused by taking in too many calories and not getting enough exercise"(Brassil, p3of4). I totally agree that it is hard to imagine a world without sugar after we get used to the sweet stuff that we enjoy today. However, by consuming a reasonable amount of sugar and exercising we could have a healthy diet. .
Also a hundred years ago, we had a far more active life style. For most people the only mode of transportation was their two feet. There were no machines to wash clothes or dishes. They had no televisions and people had to make their own entertainment with the result that they were more active. .
This change in lifestyle has occurred throughout the world, but why is the problem of being overweight so much more prevalent in America? The reason lies in the type of food eaten in America. For example, "90% of the money spent on food is used to buy processed food, and at least 25% of the American population visits a fast food outlet everyday."( M.Atrens, I do not remember which page because I returned the book before the due date of the draft of the project. The same day I learned that I have to write down the number of page where I got the information and not just the author name)4 Whereas in other countries like France, Italy, and Morocco where I used to live, more money is spent on buying fresh natural produce that is healthier and less conducive to putting on weight.