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Creating a Salutary Learning Atmosphere in Class (LAC)

Likewise, under the presupposition that the teacher is sure that his lessons are instructive and beneficial, students tend to bifurcate when trying to strike a cognitive balance between "Class atmosphere" and Subject under learning---- One is that in favorable atmosphere students are likely to have positive feeling to the subject taught in the class. And Vice Versa. Therefore, if a teacher can pay attention to the feelings of students, strengthen the teacher-student communication and finally create favorable LAC, most students can study in positive, salutary mood, which will realize the remarkable improvement of teaching effect. .
             Personally, I think that LAC has influence on at least four aspects of teaching:.
             1 Favorable LAC is be propitious to stimulating the motivation of study. One important source of motivation is proper self-image, which, however, depends to a great extent on the perception of others' attitude toward him. In a class in which every student fell that he is respected and credited, students become more self-respected, more confident in his ability therefore more eager to take part in the teaching activities. Thus, students are highly motivated to learn more and to ameliorate their roles in the class namely from an onlooker to a participant. Besides, another source of motivation is interest. In favorable LAC, study itself is an important source of interest. Once students are interested in study, it becomes easy for teachers to conduct teaching.
             2 In favorable LAC, students have a sense of security, which leads their bodies and minds open to "experience" thus reduce the negative effect of the feeling filter to the least. Emotion is the outcome of co-ordination of pallium and centrum, which can control attention's induction of intelligent activities and affect the response to input as well the selection of output. This is, in fact, the affective filter mentioned by Krashen in his The Input Hypothesis, which is displayed in two aspects: .

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