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Canadian Tourism Commision

Some people would rather stay away from Native Canadian inhabitants because they are prejudiced against what they feel Canadians are. Nevertheless the CTC chooses wisely in promoting Canada's aboriginal heritage. An example of how the CTC helps Canadian Aboriginal tourism is .
             On April 2nd, 1997 The Canadian Tourism Commission, in partnership with Tourism Saskatchewan, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and various Tribal Councils and Bands will invest over $626,000 in the next three years to develop, package and market Canadian Aboriginal heritage and culture through the new Aboriginal Waterways Product Club. This partnership model represents a new approach for tourism development with the Aboriginal communities in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and could serve as a model in other areas of Canada. The CTC will invest a total of $313,000 over three years in the Aboriginal Waterways Product Club while Tourism Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan and Manitoba First Nations will provide another $313,000. The Aboriginal Waterways Product Club is part of the CTC's Industry Enhancement Product Club Program designed to help small and medium sized businesses create partnering alliances regionally and nationally. These alliances will speed up the development of new tourism products, improve existing products, and enhance the attractiveness of Canada as a tourism destination.
             The CTC is a working relationship between the tourism industry, businesses and associations, provincial and territorial governments, and the Government of Canada.
             Canadian Cuisine.
             Cultural tourism is on the increase as baby boomers flood the marketplace and seek out new opportunities for education and excitement. Cuisine is an element that adds to the cultural tourism experience. Interest in food and wine has grown in recent years on a global scale and forecasts call for sustained momentum. To meet the demand for culinary-oriented experiences Canada has taken steps to develop cuisine as a tourism product.

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