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Mass Education Reform Act

             Some of the initiatives offered in the MERA impact local communities in ways that are causing debate as to whether or not the initiatives are going to have their intended impact. One such initiative involves the first goal, "Ensure all students achieve high standards." High standards are the hallmark of any well-run company or organization. But how to develop and test for the standards is the hard part of making standards work. The Massachusetts Board of Education (BOE) uses the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test as their main qualifier of high standards. The intention of the test is to ensure that each student statewide leaves high school with the same set of knowledge. The knowledge that each student receives is directed by the state BOE. But there are many drawbacks to a single test determining the knowledge of a human being.
             2003 is the first year that all seniors must pass the MCAS test to receive a diploma. As of January 1st, there were still approximately 10,500 seniors (or 18 percent) that still need to pass the test. If they do not pass the test they officially do not graduate. After a major outcry by educators and the community the law was changed last year. Now, any child that does not pass the MCAS test before their graduation date will still receive a certificate of graduation but will not receive a diploma. That may sound like an acceptable alternative until it is discovered that any student that does not have a diploma will most likely not be eligible for financial assistance for their secondary education. These same students may still be eligible to attend state schools, but will most likely not have the opportunity attend private institutions without the diploma. Also, the same individual that most likely needs the financial assistance to attend even a state school will lose out because they cannot find the money. The state has relegated the success of a student down to a single test.

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