Ideas, like matter, must also be generated from pre-existing ideas. The existence of a Supreme Being, also called God, is a conceived idea. This idea cannot be created unless there was a pre-existing idea that led to it, and thus this undoubtedly provides evidence for a Supreme Being's existence because humans are incapable of creating ideas without the use of an existing one. Consider a Unicorn, for example, which appears to be a horse with wings. The idea of a unicorn would have not been conceived without the observed existence of a horse as well as wings of birds. Every idea the humans generate, originate from a conglomeration pre-existing ideas, or just an individual pre existing idea itself. Therefore, the idea of a supreme being must have originated by one who is capable of creating original ideas, someone who is limitless like the supreme being himself. .
Pleasure would not exist without pain, happiness would not exist without sadness; since humans are limited and imperfect, a Supreme Being, who has to be unlimited and perfect, must exist. Rene Descartes clearly expresses this idea as he states:.
Granted, however, that I could not cogitate God except as existing, just as I could not cogitate a mountain without a valley: yet, just as from thence that I would cogitate a mountain with a valley, it certainly does not .
therefore follow that there is any mountain in the world, so also from .
thence that I would cogitate God as existing, it does not seem therefore to follow that God exists. (Descartes, 1641:66-67).
Scientists and atheists strongly believe God is nothing more than a fictitious character invented by the human mind. They believe that God, who is believed to be the truth behind life's unexplained mysteries by religious followers, is only believed to be the truth. It is clear that humans strive towards the truth, knowing this the scientists wonder to what extent would humans reach in order to obtain the truth.