What patience indeed my husband must have had, to put up with me .
uncomplainingly during those early days of our married lives! Not one cross word .
or impatient look, and praise for whatever small success I achieved. (14).
The patience that Nathan has with Rukmani shows that they can conquer the hardship and.
overcome the fear they have as strangers and become companions. With it, Rukmani now has a.
strong trust in Nathan because he has shown her that even though she might take a while to get.
accustomed to the new environment, he will wait for her. While Rukmani is a novice on the land.
and has very little knowledge of it, Nathan never hesitate to show her how. Likewise, when.
Rukmani is frightened because of a cobra in the garden, Nathan is there to protect her and help.
her overthrow the fear.
'Yet you have lived long enough to learn to disregard them,' he said. ' Are they.
not .
found everywhere - tree snakes, water snakes and land snakes? You need to be.
careful and they pass you by. Never mind,' Nathan said gently. ' It will soon be .
over now.' (18 - 19).
Nathan has hope that Rukmani will learn to live like the others on the land. He try his best to.
assist and defend her. It reveals to Rukmani how much Nathan cares. This makes her love.
deepened. The strong love that builds between Rukmani and Nathan give them the strength to.
conquer the afflictions of life.
When times are rough, Rukmani and her family look towards a better day.
because, within them, there is a convincing hope that tomorrow, everything will be over, and they.
will be able to go back to their normal life. Even though the forces of nature are unpredictable,.
Rukmani's family will continue their course to search for that one chance of surviving. Similarly,.
after the monsoon strike the village, Rukmani's family go out to seek for food with assurance.
they will have a good meal after the many days of starvation in the cave.
At last the day.