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Latest Trends In UAVs

             b. Size.
             (1) Mini. These were developed from a radio control model aircraft, presently being used for surveillance. These were used by the Israelis during Bekka Valley operation.
             (2) Midi. These RPVs are capable of carrying out reconnaissance at high subsonic speeds using high-resolution imagery technology while still being able to transmit their information in real time in an EW environment. Such systems are broadly similar in concept to the drones used by the Americans for operations in Vietnam. Inevitably they tend to be rather large in size and are more vulnerable to ground fire.
             (3) Maxi. This catagory involves development of long endurance systems to fill the surveillance gaps of satellites. Space based surveillance is very costly and tends to be fairly predictable. Whereas it is possible to minimise the effect of satellites or even avoid this altogether, the long endurance RPVs flying high and remaining aloft for considerable long periods of time offer a very satisfactory sol to the problem.
             Developments in the Field of UAVs.
             11. UAVs have established for themselves a place in the modern military forces and their use and availability are likely to greatly increase. As poor man's satellite, UAV technology is being widely employed to provide commanders with real/near real time reconnaissance and surveillance information, electronic combat support and battle damage assessment, all at little or no risk to friendly forces. Technology is now advancing at such a pace as to allow UAVs to function in other air power roles such as electronic combat, strike and air defence in either a totally autonomous mode or as remotely directed from either airborne or surface stations. In future UAVs will be a more potent platform available to the field commanders; some of the latest trends in this sphere are highlighted in the succeeding paragraphs:-.
             a. MALE & HALE UAVs. A new trend is the Medium Altitude Long Endurance and High Altitude Long Endurance strategic UAVs.

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