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"Mussolini's Domestic Policies Achieved Nothing of Value for

Government reductions in the working day to share employment were crucial and Italy's rise in unemployment was again lower than that of other countries in Europe. The Corporative state was claimed to be a new "third way" by Mussolini but was largely a propaganda tool and held no real value. This epitomised Mussolini's policies and it must be acknowledged that the value of his economic policies was largely limited. The "battle for Lira" led to distinct overvaluation and was harmful to the Italian economy. So was the policy of Autarky as Italy held limited natural resources and diet amongst other things was damaged. Government expenditure was very unbalanced towards military spending and the growth of Italy's industry was relatively poor. Agriculture was not much better but the removal of the marshes was one of several helpful policies that provided opportunity for more yield, and helped improve health.
             Overall Mussolini's policies largely favoured the employers and larger landowners, ignoring the average citizen. .
             The welfare provided by the government, particularly during the depression, can be shown to carry value for the Italians. Sickness insurance, although limited, was introduced and the OMNI provided infant welfare to families. Family allowances were introduced in 1934 to compensate for shortened hours. Other welfare was provided but was not enough to compensate for the fall in living standards and again reached those in the South to a lesser extent.
             Education is a key area for value provided to a nation. It is fair to say that Mussolini provided little value within education and was typically focused only on building a nation of Fascists. Many texts were banned from schools and their material became limited. From 1933 any new teachers had to be Fascist members and lessons in military tactics and Fascist culture were introduced from 1935. Mussolini if anything seemed to limit the value of education placing more on manual work.

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