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Roman Defensive System in Dacia

             The urban life was stimulated too. In Dacia existed some autochthonous "civitates- (Apulum, Napoca, Drobeta, etc.) but these were not really towns. Many of these "civitates- were changed to Roman "municipia-. A new town with purely Roman character is founded, a "colonia-, designed the replace the Dacic capital, Sarmizegetusa. This new town was called Colonia Dacia and subsequent Ulpia Traiana Augusta Sarmizegetusa. At the beginning of third century this firs province's colonia was advanced to metropolis rank. .
             Military Organization of Dacia.
             The Roman security system was based on two main elements: an offensive one (the army), and a defensive one, the fortifications. In the firs years after the Roman conquest the province's borders were not well defined, and, as a consequence, the number of occupation troops was great. Unfortunately we have sparely information regarding Roman troops in Dacia under Traian. Three from the legions participating to the last Dacic war, were settled in the new province. These were: XIII Gemina, I Adiutrix, and IIII Flavia Felix. XIII Gemina Legion had the camp at Apulum, where it rest until the Aurelian retirement . I Adiutrix Legion, instead, rested in Dacia just for a few time, probably at Apulum likewise, until 114, when it was taken by Traian in a war in Orient. Getting back, it was sent at the beginning of Hadrian's rule, in Pannonia, at Brigetio. Archeological discoveries certify the presence of IIII Flavia Felix Legion in Dacia under Traian, in the new capital of province, at Colonia Dacica . .
             The effective of one legion was approximately of 5500 solders. Results that in the first years of occupations Dacia was defended by 16 500 legionaries. Usually an equal effective of auxiliary troops completed the legions. A military diploma dated 17 February 110 reveals the existence in Dacia at that time of two "alae- (cavalry troops) and ten cohors. Archeological discoveries revealed other Roman troops in Dacia under Traian: .

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