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Women rights

This list of the right that women were lacking was one of the first attempts at creating a legislation that.
             included women in its laws. During the scientific revolution men were.
             making discoveries and coming up with new ideas all over the world. This.
             was not possible for women because the education was not able to compare.
             with that of the men's since they didn't have a good education they couldn't have good erudition or trenchancy. After roll models such as Tristan Flora women.
             started trying harder to become a part of the society. They fought so that.
             they could be equal individuals, and not just slaves to the male. They started thinking for themselves, having there own thoughts and ideas. In the modern 20th century women used the example of these women as arguments to push there cause. When the idea of Nationalism began bringing countries together it helped women slightly.
             Still it did not make them there equality to men. In the time of the.
             Industrial Revolution women began receiving jobs in factories. They.
             were still not treated as equals. They were paid less than men for the same days work. Most of women still stayed at home and took care of the house and children. The idea of socialism brought women more respect. With the idea of socialism women gained some standing in society, as close equals to men. In a socialistic society everyone is equal, including women. This idea of equality women in the past could not even in think of. As the wanting for women's rights continued they gained the right in the United States to live freely. They could now own land and participate in the government. At the end of the 19th century women began to become educated. They began to prove their intelligent equality to men. As World War I came around women began to enter the workforce. With the men being killed in time of war it left a limited number of men to work in the factories. Women began to take over there parts.

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