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            I believe that Rushton's book is not a legitimate scientific study of the relationship between race and intelligence. As mentioned earlier, in another context, one way to determine whether a study is scientifically sound is whether or not a study can be replicated by another scientist with the same results. Since Rushton has used other studies to confirm his conclusions, I believe that his is not a study at all. Rushton has merely presented a paper that reiterates and reconfigurates previous studies. It is not original, and it has not been investigates scientifically. He does not look into the specific intelligence test in order to ascertain whether there are extraneous factors that may cause these results. A good study reports findings that both support and negate one's theories. He does not mention any studies that oppose his beliefs. It seems as though he biased his report by only representing those in his favor. If the findings are valid, how does one account for the percentage of those who fall into the category of having an intelligence that goes against race. All of the statistical information seems to disguise any real theory about the results. I found this paper to be dry and confusing. I also question the motivation behind the topic of study itself. It seems to me that one can create support of anything depending on which studies one chooses to site and which analysis one decides to use. For every study, there is usually another study that supports the opposite. I feel that this particular "study" could have dangerous and anti-racial implications. .

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