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AFI band essay

             Have you ever really liked a certain band? Was it for their looks? How about their music, their awesome sense of style? How about for their lyrics, and the meaning behind them? For me, AFI (A Fire Inside) has each and every one of those qualities, and more. What makes me enjoy AFI so much is because of their lyrics, style, and their love of fans. AFI has helped people move on in their lives, and go about life differently. Their music has helped people in many different ways. .
             AFI's lyrics are very meaningful, and have much depth, and thought behind them. Whether they reflect real-life, or fictional experiences, I believe that they come straight from the heart. An example is from their 2003 cd release "Sing the Sorrow": "I kissed you at the apex of the maelstrom, and asked you to accompany me in a quick fall, but you made me realize that my ticket wasn't for two. I rode alone." This is my all-time favorite lyric from Davey Havok, their lead singer. I honestly don't know why, maybe it's the way he speaks it in amongst the beautiful notes in the background. Simply listening to their cd for a few minutes will get you hooked to the infectious choruses, and subdued verses of Davey Havok, with accompaniment from the fellow band members Jade, Hunter, and Adam. Their cd's come out every so often. This is primarily because Davey and his band put so much time into it all. They want to make sure that everything is put together well, and has a special meaning behind it. I recall seeing a television special where they were talking about their lyrics, and how they did not want to be like all of the other punk bands out there and sing about ex girlfriends, and love. They wanted to sing about real-life experiences and how it related to them. This made me think of them in a whole new light. How they were no longer in it for the money, but the fans.
             AFI's style really stands out amongst the others in their scene now days.

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