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Mice and Men: What happens next?

Still no one appeared in the doorway, the whole bunkhouse fell cold, no one dare moved as the creaking got louder and louder until the door swung open. Immediately after a cold wind swept through the bunkhouse, like gas it got everywhere and got to everyone. The howling hit a climax and then stopped.
             The clouds swept over the ranch, each one exploding and dropped the rain like bombs. Still silence! No one could speak or move, as the torrential downpour covered the ranch. .
             The clouds came and passed over the ranch which sat isolated along with all its inhabitants in rain as the storm passed over. Then like a light in a pitch black sky, the sun broke from it's hiding place and lit up the sky. Then early in the morning the ranch awoke to the sound of birds singing and their duets were heard for miles across open land America. At breakfast the atmosphere could still be cut with a knife as no man dare speak about the previous night. But Carlson soon ended that when he shouted to Slim.
             "Pass me some more porridge; we've got to work in 15 minutes." He then spotted George emerging from the bunkhouse. He went over to George and spoke quietly "Hey about what I said last night I"m sorry, it was just the drink talking. You and I both know Lenny will be up there tending them rabbits, so I"m sorry.".
             Candy picked up on the chance to get some revenge. .
             "Hey Carlson what did you say, me being an "old" man I just couldn't hear what you said." He knew Carlson would be humiliated if he apologised out loud in front of everyone and that's what he intended to do. As Candy and Carlson were locked in a battle of eye staring, George snuck over to Slim and asked why he made Carlson apologise. He couldn't get an answer from slim but seemed to be okay with it. The general mood of the camp lightened up. Then George started to smile again as he became very good at beating the rest at horseshoes and especially loved it when he beat Curley.

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