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The causes of the Russain Revolution of 1905

            There were many causes for the Russian Revolution of 1905 which can be split down in to three main categories; Long term causes which have been going on for a long time, Short term causes which develop shortly before an event and immediate causes or triggers that act as a spark to start things happening.
             84% of the Russian population lived as peasants. They were by far the largest group in the country but they were also the poorest. These peasants were also very dissatisfied with their living conditions and how land was divided up. Their basic diet was also unsatisfactory. When the harvest was good food was also good. However there was very little meat to be had as the peasants lived mainly on grain. This lead to people relying heavily on their crops and in 1891 400,000 people died when crop failure coupled with cholera hit the countryside. The life expectancy was also low. .
             The main problem however was land as there was simply not enough to go around. Many peasants were given loans by the government to buy some land off of previous employers. However the size of land that they received was often insufficient to survive on. Also the loan that was given to them had to be paid off. Eventually peasants became both starving and in debt. .
             The peasants were bitter that the nobles and landowners had kept so much of the land after the government had begun to give loans to peasants to buy land. All peasants wanted was some of their own land to survive on instead of having to work on someone else's for below average pay. More and more peasants by 1905 were competing for the land available.
             The workers had many grievances about their terrible working conditions. They wanted higher wages and shorter hours. At the time before the revolution the workers would work up to eleven hours a day and many would work beyond that as overtime - up to fifteen or sixteen hours a day. The pay they received was unacceptable but they needed the money.

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