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The UN has failed

The feudal lords also have plenty of.
             say in matters because they own the land and donate their army to the king. France, China,.
             Russia, and the United Kingdom all have vetoes so every once-in-a-while they can go against the.
             will of the king. The peasants only get their way if they rebel in huge masses. Canada, Germany,.
             Afghanistan, Bosnia, Guatemala, Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi can only influence major issues by.
             voting in the general assembly. .
             The United Nations does not always have the best judgment for appointing countries to.
             high positions. "The time has come to revisit the basis upon which membership in these bodies is.
             determined," 2 Over the last ten years a few questionable countries were put in positions of.
             power. Libya was elected to the chairmanship of the Commission on Human Rights even though.
             the country has a poor record of jailing and torturing political opponents. Iraq was a member at.
             the Disarmament Conference when the government of Saddam Hussein was being examined by.
             United Nation arms inspectors. Lastly, Rwanda was on the Security Council in 1994 when the.
             country was slaughtering members of the Tutsi, an ethnic minority. .
             ''No country's peace process should be at the expense of another country's sovereignty and.
             territorial integrity,'' 3 The United States, Russia and China all find ways to get back at other.
             countries who have opposed them.
             The United States got back at the countries they did not like in November 1983. "The US.
             congress.passed legislation that required the cutting off of all aid to countries that constantly.
             oppose American policy at the United Nations"4.
             No one ever verbally attacks Russia by name because they know "the Soviet Union is.
             likely to find practical ways to respond to hostile remarks"5 In the past, Russia has taken over.
             areas and set up puppet governments without the approval of the United Nations and no one says.
             a word for fear that two or three years later Russia and its allies may take revenge.

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