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Punch Drunk Love

             Unfortunately, this scenario is broken when a group of brothers from a scummy phone sex line begin to threaten Barry after he had called them one night, and refused to help one of the girls with money problems, after he had already passed over his credit card and security information. Hence the plot thickens, with more chances for Anderson to show off some of that flashy steady-cam reminiscent of his previous works Boogie Nights and Magnolia. He also uses very simple angles that draw you into each shot and shock tactics. For example, the beginning of the film is extremely quite and still and as Barry walks out onto an empty street a truck unexpectedly crashes with a shockingly loud eruption. .
             Winning the Best Director Award, for this film at Cannes 2002, Anderson takes his audience on a less grandeur ride than he did in previous works of the same genre, as it is missing the colourful complex plot lines, but works equally as well with the simple story used. Where usually, these kind of thought provoking films are based on ideas, Punch Drunk Love focuses more on the depth of characters and their complexities. Aside from this, the film does indulge in many symbols. A harmonium, pudding, telephones and Barry's blue suit, just to name a few. It appears as though Anderson has used these simple, mundane things to signify the greater themes and emotions in his film. For example, the harmonium that Barry stumbles across at the beginning symbolizes Lena, as they arrive in the film at the same time, and as their relationship grows, his ability to play the harmonium does so in return. .
             Landing in between two extremes, the film has had mixed feedback; too weird for usual Adam Sandler fans, yet a little too submissive or obedient for hardcore indie fans. A leap for Sandler, as his performance in the film conveys just how versatile his acting skills are. No longer are his trademark mannerisms (one line gags, farts, bodily excretions) evident here; even though other critics disagreed and believed Sandler to only slightly alter his usual style and continued to play his outrageous and nervous comic self.

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