The viruses that cause this are mumps, German measles, and a close relative of the virus that causes polio. Another cause is chemicals and drugs. Studies show that ingestion of proximal, a poison used to kill rats, can trigger type 1 diabetes. So can the prescription drug pentamidine, used to treat pneumonia. The last cause is cows milk. Cows milk contains a protein similar to a protein found on beta cells. Exposure to cows milk during infancy may increase the risk of type 1 diabetes (Diabetes Research Institute). .
There are many different procedures that can be taken for the diagnosis of diabetes. A series of light flashes, each at a different wavelength is used to excite various proteins in the eye, each according to a particular length and the proteins emit fluorescent light. The pattern of light emissions reflects the distribution of carious proteins, which changes according to various psychological conditions (Scientific American Medical 22). This new method is based on synchronous fluorescent spectrometry, which combines a detector with a light source to measure the intensity of light emitted by proteins in the eye from each wavelength shown into the eye. A computer then compares the patient's peaks and valleys of such measurements with corresponding spectra form normal and diabetic eyes. Any one of the following three tests shows the diagnosis values for diabetes: a measurement of fasting plasma glucose, a blood test done after not eating for 8 hours, showing more than 125 mg/dl, and a oral glucose tolerance test after the person drinks a sugar solution containing 75 grams in glucose in which the blood sugar levels is more than 199 mg/dl at 2 hours (Matinas 28). Two abnormal test results, using any of the three tests done on two different days, are needed to make the diagnosis for diabetes. A special test is needed for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes (Stenger 2). A screening test consisting of 50 g oral glucose followed by a plasma glucose determination 1 hour later.