Scientists isolated the gene and then .
bound it to yeast. The yeast incorporated the gene into its own DNA and multiplied, .
producing many copies of the gene. Just recently scientists cloned a sheep. The cell from .
mammary tissue of a six year old sheep was taken while the DNA was in a dormant state. The .
cell was fused with sheep ovum that had its nucleus removed. The fertilized cell was stimulated .
with an electronic pulse. Scientists attempted this two hundred and seventy-seven times. .
Twenty-nine of the cells began to divide and were placed in sheep. Thirteen of these sheep.
became pregnant but only one lamb, Dolly, was born .
If human cloning was declared safe, what use could we make of it? There are many .
positive possibilities concerning cloning. .
For a start, cloning would make it possible for the first time ever to consider genetically .
enhancing humans. Imagine giving all humans perfect eyesight. Imagine the whole human race .
with the best possible hearing, smelling, tasting and the greatest health. Further more, visualize .
splicing cells so that humans could have the capability to discern scents like a dog, have the .
eyesight of an eagle and be able to breath under water like fish. The potential for such .
designer babies will exist in the near future. Parents could make their child glow like a jellyfish .
or a have feathers like a bird. The possibilities are endless.
Other positives from cloning would be that older women, infertile couples and .
homosexual couples would be able to have children. Tay-Sachs disorder could be prevented, .
Heart disease, cancer and spinal cord injury could be eliminated. With lessons learned from.
cloning, we might someday have the ability to reverse the aging process. It can be used to assist .
parents who are at risk of passing a defect on to their children.
With the ability to clone we could save endangered species. We would also have the .
ability to bring back already extinct species, like the Wooly Mammoth.