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Life After Death

             Equity Percentage for Telus.
             Equity percentage, show the protection that the creditors are receiving from the company in terms of equity. The percentage is used to show and assures the shareholders that the company is able to cover for the shareholders equity through there own assets as insurance. In 2000 Telus" Equity percent was at 35.6%, moving into 2001 there equity percent was at 36.3% which is not much of an increase. The increase in 2001 from 2000 shows that the company is losing position of its own company to the shareholders, this may be cause by loss in revenue which reduces the profit margin for the company itself. Overall Telus is stable, considering that the increase was only a .7% difference indicating that the company has a firm stance on its financial controls.
             Return on Assets for Telus.
             The Return on assets shows the profit margin of assets regardless of the of the capital structure. Statistics show that the profitability of Telus" assets of the 2000 fiscal year was 6% and for the 2001 fiscal year it was 4.5%, meaning that the profit margin that were created by the assets in 2000 was larger than the ones created in 2001. Figure 1-1 shows the obvious decrease in asset returns, indicating that the company may be losing money; this can be seen by these statistics alone. Revenue created by the assets has not decreased substantially, but its effects can still be felt throughout the company's financial structure.
             2000-2001 Book Value per Share of Common Stock for Telus.
             Book value per share of common stock is the recorded value of net assets behind each share of common stock. Telus" value of common stock was measured at $21.6mil in the year 2000 and grew to $22.39mil by the end of 2001. Its growth in value indicates that the company is worth more in 2001 than it was in 2000, but this does not necessarily mean that the company is earning revenue. Just by looking at these specific statistics you can only say that the demand for ownership of this company is growing, but can not necessarily say that the company is generating more revenue.

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