also means everybody have the right to run for the election, it is not like in the authoritarian, .
dictatorship, or communist system, the leaders are appointed by the party, in a democracy .
society, there are different parties and the people are free to support the parties they want. In .
some countries, especially communist countries, democracy is what people never have, for .
instance Vietnam, China, North Korea, and so on. In Vietnam, there is no religious freedom: .
many clergymen have being detained: Nguyen Van Ly, Thich Quang Duc because of their .
encouragement for religious freedom; no freedom of speech: the press is not free to publish .
the news, or the opinions of people everything must go through the censorships of the Party, .
where they filter all disadvantaged news and only permit the press to publish advantaged news .
for the Party. Dr. Pham Hong Son, Lawyer Le Chi Quang have being detained because .
peacefully expressed political views. In addition, the Government still maintains a system of .
household registration and block wardens to monitor the population, concentrating on those .
suspected of engaging, or being likely to engage in, unauthorized political activities. Another .
country, China, the Government infringed on citizens' privacy rights: continued to implement its .
coercive policy of restricting the number of children a family could have, maintained tight .
restrictions on freedom of speech and of the press; self-censorship by journalists and writers, .
control and monitor the Internet, severely restricted freedom of assembly and continued to .
restrict freedom of association and freedom of movement. Democracy is also unsuccessful in .
Burma, under a military junta regime, citizens did not have the right to change their government. .
In ethnic minority areas, security forces continued to commit extrajudicial killings and rape, .
forcibly relocated persons, used forced labor, and conscripted child soldiers.