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Oedipus Essay

Oedipus wants to go out to search for this man that knows the truth about what really happened on the day that the King was killed, not realizing that what he is about to stumble across is his hapless fate that he has been running from. Finally, in today's society finding out the entire truth when you are in a romantic relationship is not good. Although one may want to know everything about their significant other, there are times when "ignorance is bliss". If one is in a happy relationship and unaware with the fact that their partner is cheating on them, one would rather keep their happiness and never want to find out that anything is wrong. Humans are always on a constant search for all of the facts, when they already know all that is necessary. .
             One gains wisdom through suffering. It is thought that if one has lived through the good as well as the bad then they have great knowledge of the world; it is the trying times in life that make humans smarter. For instance, Oedipus is the classic tragic hero, he does not know what his character flaw, his hamartia, is until after it has already began to break him down; therefore, his suffering teaches him many life lessons that he did not know beforehand. When Oedipus finds out that he is the murderer of King Laius he does not believe that this could be possible, he thinks that it is Creon, his brother in law and unlce, and the profit Tiresias plotting against him to gain the throne. Creon is extremely offended by this accusation and explains to the city: "Fellow citizens of Thebes, I am here in an angry mood. I hear that King Oedipus brings terrible charges against me. If, in the present dangerous situation, he thinks that I have injured him in any way, by word or deed, let me not live out of the rest of my days with such a reputation." (33) Oedipus eventually found out that his accusation toward Creon was incorrect and this left him in shambles, for Oedipus then had to find out what really did happen to King Laius.

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