Fluid in the lungs, aggravation of asthma and other lung disorders, and not being able to breath correctly. .
What is Heroin?.
Known on the street as horse, junk, smack, H, or scag, heroin is the most common drug used by narcotics. Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste. Street heroin may be up to dark brown because of the street conditions. When the drug appears as dark brown or black it is known as "black tar-. "Black tar- is available in the western part of the U.S.A. Street heroin is rarely pure. One dose, may contain 50 milligrams of powder. In the past, very few of those milligrams were likely to be heroin "most of the bag was filled with all kinds of other unknown powders, powdered milk, or quinine. .
How do you Narcotics Affect You?.
Narcotics affect many organs. They cause your heartbeat to slow down; blood vessels start relaxing and lowering blood pressure. It slows down the work of the muscles that control breathing. It can make you get in to a position of being half - conscious (called "nodding-), it can cause mental confusion and drowsiness. The feeling of physical and mental relaxation, which is felt after taking heroin, is called "high-. Being "high- lasts for about three to four hours. Over time, regular users easily become "hooked" "in every way possible, depended. .
The negative consequences of heroin use range from mild distress to life-threatening dangers and include: .
Itchy, dry skin and skin infections .
Worse night vision .
Vomiting and nausea.
Loss of appetite .
Scars along veins and infections in veins from repeated injections .
Irregular blood pressure .
Irregular and slow heartbeat .
Breathlessness, and noisy breathing because there are fluids in the lungs .
Addiction, dependence.
AIDS and other infections from injection .
Stroke or heart attack .
Heart arrest, coma, and death .
What are Inhalants?.
Inhalants are drugs that produce a quick, "high- feeling; and good feeling when they are breathed and absorbed into the body through the lungs.