It is impossible to think that one can change the view of priests in society and make the vocation of priesthood more appealing in a short amount of time. It is also impossible to believe the Church can outweigh the media in teaching to answer the call from God. .
In the last forty years, as the problem of priest population has grown, people have suggested that the clergy should be allowed to marry. Although priests were originally allowed to marry, the practice was ended in medieval times. Many people feel that by allowing a priest to marry there would be an increase in vocations, priests would have a better understanding of their parishioners, and that the priests would be happier with their status in life. These all may be positives, but the negatives outweigh them. First, if priests were to marry there would have to be many more priests for each parish. A priest who is celibate can give all his time to the church. The idea of a married man giving all his time to the church is unconceivable. The priest would have to give his family equal attention. Thus, the priest would split his attention between the two requiring additional non-celibate priests to be hired to make up the difference. Then the number of priests would be doubled, but the two celibate priests would be doing the job of one and there still would be a shortage. In addition to the priorities of a married priest, finances are also a problem. The average priest is hardly paid enough to support himself, let alone an entire family. The salary of a priest would have to be doubled or tripled to support a family. The Church would then be facing a financial situation. Last, the main argument of the advocators of marriage is that Protestants make it work. According to Patricia Dixon they hardly ever do. "Pastors constantly face the tension of the needs of the Church and the needs of their family. Both take up over half a man's time and energy.