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There are two main leaders in the government structure of Mongolia. The first is President Natsagiyn Bagabandi who was born on April 22, 1950, and was elected to office on June 20, 1997. The second is the Head of State Nambaryn Enkhbayer who was born on June 1, 1958, and took office on July 26, 2000. The Mongolian government has several political parties. The most popular are: CWP, Civil (or Citizen) Will Party; the DP, Democratic Party; and the MPRP, Mongolian Peoples Republic Party. The country holds an election every four years. The governments structure is a combination of a parliamentary and presidential approach.
             Military and Enemies- The Mongolian Armed forces encompasses their General Purpose Forces, Air and Air Defense Forces, and Civil Defense Forces. The other type of force not mentioned are the Border Troops which are under the direction of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs during times of peace. The age that Mongolians must be to join any branch of the service is 18. But in times of war they have an estimated seven-hundred and seventy-two thousand six-hundred and nineteen possible males that are able to fight (age 16-49). Out of these, they have estimated that only about five-hundred and one thousand four-hundred and ninety-three are fit enough to fight. It is also said that there are thirty thousand two-hundred and thirty males that reach the fighting age annually. Even with all these human resources at their finger-tips Mongolia does not engage in any disputes with other countries. .
             Natural Resources- The major natural resources in Mongolia are copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, fluorspar, and gold. Along with these they also grow many other things and raise livestock of all kinds.
             Imports, Exports, and Countries of Trade- Mongolia exports many commodities. Their exports include: copper, livestock, animal products, cashmere, wool, hides, fluorspar, and other nonferrous metals.

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