With this, abolitionists posted poster warnings to the African Americans in the North that they could be captured and taken to the South (Document 4). However, the ironic part of all of this is that slaves couldn't read. They compared the policemen to kidnappers because now they were not out to protect people; they were out to kidnap African Americans to get a share of the profit from the commissions decision. The posters were designed to help the slaves from being caught. Also, white people can read these posters, the Abolitionists could possibly make others see how cruel everyone is treating slaves and get more people to help them out. Not all people were against slavery however. Representative Robert Toombs of Georgia, argued against a proposed law that would have banned slavery from land obtained as a result of the Mexican War (Document 2). He stated that if the legislation sought to drive them from the territories of California and New Mexico that was purchased by the common blood and treasure of the whole people that he would be for disunion. He argues that the people of the South have asked nothing but justice. .
Many compromises were made during the War, such as whether or not states should be free or slave states. There was the Compromise of 1850 that was deciding whether California should come in as a free state and the rest of South as a slave state. Senator William H. Seward of New York; which at that time was a free state, argued against approval of this Compromise in a Senate speech (Document 3). He opposed the compromise because he felt that for California to come in as a free state and to have the rest of the South be accepted to slavery is morally wrong. What made things worse is that people know this, but yet they still debate over the same questions. If arguments and comprises like this continued, the United States would break apart. In addition, the U.