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Behind Shadow Lines by Amitav Gosh

Going further on the plot, we can say that the title of the novel is also a struggle between light and dark. People, long way back were living in "darkness", waiting for something, for the right moment to come, but this light wasn't like they thought it would be, along with this light they take a step into the civilization, which needs time to take a prompt shape. Along with this light, with this way to enlighten people, comes several faces of violence. We encounter several evidences in the book which shows us various faces of violence which comes out by fighting for freedom. The author talks about a very real non-existing line, which divides nations, people and families. This line was also for what most of the people faught, gave their lives that that line shouldn't be, shouldn't exist between people, cultures, families. Also we can say that under these cosequences the past, present and future melted together, erasing any kind of demarcation. And what is more important, I think is that almost everything what we see through the narrator's eyes, are erased of any kind of demarcation. Also what needs to be said is that the narrator has an active presence in the novel, which gets us more closer to the other characters, to their daily lifes, and happenings, which connect to each other, and at the same time they are separated from the various clauses of life in Calcutta, Dhaka, London, or somewhere else.
             We can say that the narrator as we can find out from the book, he spent only a year in London, researching for his doctorate work; but this London, what he talks about all across the novel, is a London, described fully by Tridib, who always had interesting stories to tell to him , about places, about men, and way of thinking .
             And not only Tridib enlighted the narrator, but also Ila too, she was his mentor, his inspirer, who has travelled a lot through the whole world, but has seen very little, concluding to the narrator's view.

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