Napoleon then became a military dictator to help fix the problems in France. As years passed, his ranks became even hired. Soon afterwards, a triumvirate was created, and he was one of the three Consuls. In 1802 though, he became Consul for life and within two years, he crowned himself Emperor of the French. Out of fear of having another Reign of Terror aimed towards him, Napoleon made sure that the social structure of France was unified. His importance to the well being of his nation is of an enormous amount. But furthermore, he had an even greater impact on the world. He left our civilization with military tactics way ahead of his time which to this day are still studied and analyzed. (
niccampaigns/index.html) What many would call as the grandfather of nationalism, Napoleon led the way for many other European nations of his time to follow his sense of nationalism and apply it to their own country. Ironically, nations such as Germany (even though it wasn't called Germany back then) used nationalism as a stance against Napoleon's unstoppable power. Before Napoleon came into play, Germany was not even close to being unified, but when he stepped in, all of the German states had a common enemy thus giving them reason to unify. As an essay on Napoleonic Europe posted on, it is stated, "nationalism developed in response to Napoleon's imperial reign." ( And even today, nationalism exists in many ways and Napoleon is the reason for it. Even though many people before him, such as Caesar, led their empire through unification and pride, none are as evident as Napoleon. .
The world was completely different before Napoleon as opposed to what it was afterwards. France specifically was changed 180 degrees due to his amazing power and leadership skills. Before him, France was under the Reign of Terror where revolutionaries executed people left and right and there was no end to the chaos.