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Woodrow wilson

            Woodrow Wilson saw himself as the personal representative of the people. Wilson led the nation from 1913 to 1921 as the twenty-eighth president. These were eight of the most important years in American history. His actions were carefully thought out despite it not being favored and his policies up until this day have a strong impact on our government. He was not perfect but even with his mistakes and hesitations his strong principles and technique is what made his work stand out and out live him.
             Wilson received his doctorate at Johns Hopkins University after graduating from the College of New Jersey (Princeton) and the University of Virginia Law School. He advanced quickly as a traditional young professor of political science and became president of Princeton in 1902.
             At the 1912 Democratic Convention he was nominated for President. His new Freedom campaign stressed individualism and states' rights that helped continue the progressive movement. He had 42 percent of the popular vote but even so his electoral votes won him the election. Wilson in his first term dealt with many important domestic programs. In 1913 and in 1914 he had a plan called New Freedom to go with the Underwood Tariff Act. Then he had the Federal Reserve Act this system helped to strengthen the economy. .
             Charlton 2.
             He established the Federal Trade Commission under The Clayton Antitrust Act that helped to limit the powers of Big Bosses. When it was time for his reelection in 1916 under his "he kept us out of war" slogan his victory was due to the popular majority and not the Electoral college.1916 was a good year for Wilson. In this year he was able to give marketing aid to farmers and protect federal loans. Also he put into effect the 8-hour day for all railroad workers, and tried to enforce a law banning child labor. He was a very liberal president although a Democrat. This was shown when he appointed a Jewish lawyer named Louis D.

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