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" Me and Tom would have to run up stairs so Mama could "talk to him." Later I would sneak down and sit at the top of the stairs and listen to what Mama and Daddy were talkin about. Daddy would be yellin saying "I am a proud American, that fought for this country, and what do they give me back? Nothin! They won't even give me a damn job!" Mama would listen for a while then stopped him before he braked the whole house. Then she would call us down to help with supper and Daddy would just sit there in a daze watin for supper, or maybe he was waitin for somethin else? .
             After June quickly passed by, things seemed to get a little bit better, although it was the "hottest summer the state of Alabama got since our grandpa's grandpa came to America" we were doin ok. Daddy had got a job working at some car sellin place, I was finished summer school and was working in the field again and Tom, well I hadn't seen much of him, he met some new friend and started to build a tree house in Old Bakers Canyon with this tree him and Daddy found the summer before he went to war. I helped them sometimes, but I had no idea how to build a tree house and I didn't nowhere he got the stuff to build it anyway. Maybe he was so determined to build a tree house cause he didn't wanna be at our own house, I didn't blame him though cause our house was so old and dirty and Daddy was always talkin about "finding us a good house with a porch, a swing at the back and with one of those vanity things in the bedroom, like Mama always wanted." He thought we were gunna get one at the auction but I never thought so, cause we could never bid high enough.
             After going to the tree house to help out I soon found out where Tom and his friend were gettin the stuff to make it. He was getting it from the Rodster junk barn. The Rodster family was me and Tom's nightmares, all eight of them. They always made fun of our Daddy for goin to war and we got them back buy callin them "dirty, junk kids.


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