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Quentin Tarantino: The Art of The Movies

In Pulp Fiction, a story about hit men, there is "homosexual rape, drug overdose, accidental killings, deliberate killings, a car crash, and a religious conversion" (2). In Reservoir Dogs, a story about a failed jewelry heist, there is a "code of honor" (Hirschberg 1). This is true in Pulp Fiction also. .
             The dialogue in these movies makes them unique. Tarantino gives "stereotypical people atypical lines, and what they say deals (often hilariously) with the pragmatic minutiae of their chosen profession" (Groen D2). For instance, you wouldn't define a hit man as someone that talks about pop star Madonna as you see in "Reservoir Dogs", or discussing world issues like we see in "Pulp Fiction". Quentin's idea was to make "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs" have a fresh outlook on gangster movies through dialogue. "Fiction took age old conventions and gave them a unique spin that made the gangster genre seem fresh, exciting, and new" ("godamongdirectors.org"). .
             To stress how these films have become original and uncommon, Tony Bowden, a respected writer, looks at the "underlying morality behind the pop-culture", ("Sick or Sanctified"), and what messages are being sent out throughout the film(s). In Pulp Fiction, Jules, one of the hit men, experiences a "miracle" after he and his partner were almost killed by gunfire. He is transformed so much that at the end of the movie he saves a life. This is ironic because instead of killing a man that is robbing him after "Jules" has turned the table on him, he gives the thief the money he wanted saying that he is "paying for his life." On the other hand his partner doesn't see the miracle that saved their lives. The movie contains a series of coincidences for his partner. Often he walks into a life threatening positions after stepping out of a bathroom. But on the last accord, where he stumbles out of the bathroom only to find his "mark", or the man he is supposed to kill, with his gun pointed at him and that would kill him.

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