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Americas Expansion into The West

            In 1830 America expanded into the West. This expansion however, would not come with out a cost to the Native American Indians culture. I plan to discuss why I believe the Congressional Report on Indian Affairs was not truthful and why the Tragedy at Wounded Knee Red Cloud's Speech was such an outrage to the Indian culture.
             In 1880's the Federal government proposed a social system which would replace the original Native Americans ways of life. The government shallowly believed that the Constitution and laws of the United States were superior to any other country. One way the government promised a positive change to the Native American culture was by enforcing the use of the English language. The government thought that by introducing the Indians into the English language it would direct them away from their so called, "Barbarous practices." Due to the vast number of different Indian tribes and different dialects between each tribe the main way of communicating was by sign language. This concept was absolutely an atrocity and a sign of ignorance to the Federal Government. The government believed that by removing this barrier from the Indians culture then the,.
             "Leaven of American citizenship would be infused" among the tribes. The government also promised the Indians that, "As long as the grass grows and the water runs we will not touch you." This quote was related to the relocation of several different tribes from the Southeast to what we now know as the state of Oklahoma. The passing of the Dawes Act in 1887 proves the Federal Government wanted to break up the reservations. .
             In 1890 the Native Americans were frustrated in the empty promises not held up by the Federal Government. Upon the first treaties with the Federal Government, the Indians old way of life was no more. The Indians moved onto reservations based on the agreement made by the Federal Government to provide food, livestock, shelter, and cattle.

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