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The Call to Write

             Writing to me is an essential part of life. We use many different types of writing everyday whether we know it or not. There are four main types of writing in which we use throughout our everyday lives. They are as follows; workplace, everyday, public, and school writings. These four styles are used steadily on an average person's day. They are needed to maintain companies, store records, evaluate performances, and just for personal use and information. .
             The first type of writing that I will discuss is workplace writing. Say for example you don't think that you ever incorporate writing into your life because you work a nine to five job in the factory. Well, you"re wrong. That time card in which you clock in and out with is one type of workplace writing. Brochures, memos, and flyers are all types of writings in which we incorporate into our everyday life at work and never even notice. .
             These workplace writings are used for many other reasons also. .
             For financial and legal reasons, companies need to keep careful records of all their transactions, their inventory and sales, the contracts in which they enter, and their dealings with unions and federal and state regulatory agencies. Nike is one of the most well-known shoe companies around the world. However; their code of conduct had to change because of complaints of the high hours of work on young children, along with little amount of pay. .
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             Another type of writing is everyday writing in which almost everyone uses on a day to day basis. Nothing could be more ordinary than a shopping or a grocery list, but these simple tasks are a part of our everyday writing. Shopping and grocery list frees us from having to commit all these simple things to our memory. It saves us time and stress on our minds. Also sometimes we write a list that only we would know actually what to get. Take meat for Sunday dinner for example, only the person who wrote that would know which type of meat to get.

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