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             Reading is the key to a better society. It allows people to communicate many different ways without verbal communication. Without the knowledge of being able to read, the world would be at almost a complete standstill because no one would be able to know what the other person is saying in a letter, a list of instructions, or even a stop sign. Therefore, there are many different uses for reading such as: pleasure, education, jobs, traffic situations, parenting, and college. .
             Starting with pleasure, millions of people read for their enjoyment. They enjoy reading because it allows their mind to picture what the author is trying to make people visualize from the story. Reading also enables everyone to get creative with his or her own imagination and come up with his or her own ideas for stories, illustrations, and books. Without that imagination and creativity, there would not be a lot of books available to read for all ages because most books came from any one persons' mind.
             Next, millions of students need to know how to read, so that they can read their textbooks, do homework, and receive a valuable education. Every child needs to know how to read instructions in books and on tests in order for them to do well. Reading also allows students to increase his or her vocabulary and overall become more of an intelligent person. By having a deep vocabulary, a child can use different words in her or her own stories when he or she are reading or writing stories. Also, seeking employment would be rather difficult without knowing how to read. A person would not be able to fill out his or her own application, let alone actually work somewhere that doesn't involve much reading. Employers are less likely to hire someone that isn't literate. The employees must be able to read instructions, labels, and warning signs. If an employee was illiterate and was trying to mix chemicals, he or she could easily mix the wrong chemicals and injure himself or herself and many others.

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