Oppression can be defined as: -.
"The negative and demeaning exercise of power" (Cited in Neil Thompson, Anti-Discriminatory Practice page 129.
It is necessary to understand what part power plays in the lives of clients and potential clients. Carers should not use their powers to inhibit or restrict clients" choices or decisions.
Carers should have a sensitive approach in respect of discrimination and oppression. It is therefore important that the individual's identity receives greater attention, with factors such as gender, race, class etc, shaping the clients behaviour and personality development.
Society plays a big part in causing social exclusion, therefore it is important to promote the clients" uniqueness, strengths and their rights which leads to self-determination of the individual, giving them their power/rights to make their choices within society, and guide and support them to make the choices they have made, make a difference to their lives, giving them equal opportunities.
CCETSW (1996) describes this competence in the following terms:.
"Promote opportunities for people to use their own strengths and expertise to meet their responsibilities, secure rights and achieve change". (Cited in Neil Thompson Understanding Social Work, preparing for practice page 78).
Commitment to my clients is paramount I am involved with many service users who have different levels of understanding, I try at all times to ensure my communication with them is at a level they can all understand, also paying attention to my body language. Clients will be more open with you, if they are spoken to with dignity and respect, and if they are listened to.
"Power is an integral aspect of daily working lives of professionals" (Hugman) (Cited in Neil Thompson, Anti-Discriminatory Practice page 129). .