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Constitution an Economic Document

And as stated in Document Four, Federalists were more of a Realists, who understood the whole problem that can later appear if the diversity and conflict of interests would remain in the United States.
             Sectional interests or as we can call it Regional conflicts also were resolved by constitution. Each of 50 states had it's own way of living, it's bill of right, it's legislature and it's interests. And so we have this fear of other states which didn"t care about each other. Other states didn"t care that South states couldn"t survive without slaves and so they could vote by majority for abandoning slavery. Another fear is a fear of big states by small ones. Again, small state had a different interests then big state did but because of the number of delegates big states had, interests of big states were more protected. Probably that was one of the reasons Rhode island never attended the constitutional convention and Documents 2 and 7 proves it's absence. Rhode Island as a smallest state didn"t have any land claims in west so it didn"t care much about the land distribution in Ohio valley as well as a debt relief programs because there not much fighting in Rhode Island. So of course the fact of being a smallest state had it's affect on abandoning convention.
             Philosophical conflicts-Antimonarchy or fear of strong executive and fear of common people having the power.
             All these already proves Beard wrong because we have not only economical interests in the constitution but others as well. .
             Economic conflicts were presents as well. In Document number Five, Beard gives us an opinion of the federalist on what is that basis of all government and this document written by James Madison states that " The chief business of government .consists in the control and adjustment of conflicting economic interests.".
             And one of such economic conflicts will be a property distribution. Beard stated that faction divided society in 2 economic classes.

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