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Creative Writing Assignment- The Chase between Jacques and s

            There was once a very broke family with a mommy and her son Jacques living in a 1500 ft. They had no food, except for beans planted on an infertile field. The bean supplies were very little, and they also taste very bad. Jacques and his mother eventually found their meals sick: beans, beans, and more beans. Life for Jacques and his mother were filled with bitterness, Jacques would always find himself daydreaming while working on the field. He dreamt himself filled with riches far beyond his imagination, Jacques would then always wake up hoping that was true. Well, he would never imagine his fate would eventually change and take a huge step into forever happiness.
             One night, as usual, after a another course of, you guessed it, beans ; mommy got really pissed of these ugly beans and she broke down and cried as Jacques watched helplessly. Mommy cried, "I cant take the beans anymore, I want to eat something else. Even if it means selling our field to get money for food, I have no choice but to do it. Go and hopefully Jacques, you can sell it at a good price. My life depends on you." Jacques said yes and went out to ask for interested buyers.
             In the morning, Jacques went around the neighborhood and asked about a million people who passed by, but without much success since nobody were interested. He sat down on the road, depressed and desperate for sellers. What a poor state he was in! But just as about his hopes died, along came a sillie but rich peasant called Michael. He was fat, and had riches far beyond imagination but he usually spent his money, usually on food, so quick that everything he saw at first that attracted him he would buy it immediately, that helped him piled a lot of treasures at home. He saw young Jacques at the street, and approached him, saying, "hey kid, I am interested in buying your bean field, it looks very attractive to me. I see that you are poor, how about I will offer my chicken that laid golden eggs, and you could also come to my house and take your pick on one of my treasures, what do you say to that?" Jacques gave nothing but a quick nod.

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