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Clinical depression

             What exactly is depression.
             First of all we must ask our selves what exactly is depression? Well, depression is more than blues or apathies; it is more than the normal, everyday ups and downs. However, when the "down" mood, along with other symptoms, last for more than a couple of weeks, the condition may be clinical depression. According to Cohen clinical depression is a serious health problem that affects the total person. In addition to feelings, it can change behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, and ability to handle everyday decisions and pressures.
             The illness may come on slowly, then deepen gradually over months or years. On the other hand, it may erupt suddenly in few weeks or days. A person who develops severe depression may appear so confused, frightened, and unbalanced that often speak of a "nervous breakdown." However it begins, and depression causes serious changes in a person's feelings and outlooks. According to the description of major depression my mother and my seventeen-year-old sister are an example of these feeling of being sad nearly every day and may cry often and with the feeling of not been satisfied with the activities that brought them joy are gone.
             The symptoms of depression can vary by age and culture. My interest is in the area of Childhood Depression and Teenage depression. Childhood depression is a very real problem: a .
             Clinical or Major Depression 4.
             problem compounded by the common misconception that children don't get depressed. In fact, 2.5% of children suffer from major depressive incidents. Triggers such as divorce, the death of a friend or family member, or family problems many cause childhood depression. It's not often discussed, but young children suffering from depression do attempt suicide, and often succeed.

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