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Concerns about e-government within the workplace

             Data sharing between areas of the same agency could also be cause for concern. In sheltered housing there are residents that are placed there because they are at risk from outside forces. Anyone gaining access to the files legitimately could unfortunately pass on information to where the client is placed without breaking the Data Protection Act. This could cause undue stress or worry on behalf of the client and if serious enough could force the housing association to move the resident to another property. The only way that this could perhaps be overcome is the encryption of sensitive files for use by authorised people dealing with that case only.
             2) Hospitals and older people.
             As highlighted in the model of the first course module, patients could be at risk or treated wrongly because of misinformation or mistaken identity due to data entry error. Individuality in hospitals is of prime importance to speed the healing process for the client. Same or similar names may also cause problems, whereby medications could become mixed or deleted. Approximately seventy five percent of the residents within my workplace are under hospital care for many differing reasons, and they are within a generation that believes in individuality and personal attention. Once again the e-government NHS number system could lead to Doctors and Nurses passing over cases to equalise the balance of caseload. This would mean that a patient may see many faces and in the case of my residents could be confused on who the different people are. All the Doctor or Nurse would see is collected data which they themselves would have to turn into information to enable them to help the patient, therefore the patient will be treated as a case number rather than an individual.
             Keeping details up to date in a hospital would be of primary concern in the case of an older person due to the ever-changing nature of illness and the possible deterioration of the person concerned.

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