enemies as God says. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good ( Rom .
12.21), to summarize, God has commanded us to love our enemies. Matthew 5.43-48 .
deliberately teaches us the two best ways to destroy our enemy! Namely.Love him to .
death and Turn him into your friend none of which God exemplifies in Deuteronomy 7. .
"Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy" is another statement God makes in .
Deuteronomy 7 that does not go in accordance with what is advocated for in the bible, in.
Romans 9 "I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have .
compassion on whomever I will have compassion. So then it is not of him who wills, nor .
of him who runs, but of God . .
The theme of the book of Amos is divine judgment and its aim is to effect repentance .
and reformation in view of the inevitability of impending judgments unless the people .
amended their ways, that is why violence is shown so much in this book. The message of .
the book logically divides into four major parts: .
(1) a denunciation of evil coupled with a warning of judgment (chs 1:1 to 2:16); .
(2) an appeal to return to the Lord (chs 3:1 to 6:14); .
(3) an emphatic warning of the finality of this appeal (chs 7:1 to 9:10); .
(4) a promise of national blessing and restoration in the event of repentance and reformation (ch 9:1115). .
The 1st of these 4 parts consists of an enumeration of the sins of 6 neighboring nations, .
and Judah, with the purpose of highlighting the enormity of the sins of Israel. The 2nd .
part consists of a series of 3 sermons, each beginning with the proclamation, "Hear [ye] .
this word" The 3rd is composed of 5 symbolic visions, with a short historical interlude .
inserted between visions 3 and 4 in which the official reaction of the northern kingdom .
becomes apparent. In a few deft strokes, part 4 paints a glowing picture of the bright .
future in store for Israel if the nation returns to the Lord in wholehearted repentance and .