" The New Jersey Plan was made for small state proposal for Constitutional reform. When these clauses were voted on, it was thought that neither of the two plans would work. The Connecticut Compromise was put into action. The Connecticut Compromise stated that there would be a House of Representatives made to proportionate the population. A Senate would also be made in which all states were represented equally. Congress was now given the power to tax, coin money, regulate commerce, declare war, and maintain an army. These powers were put in Article 1 of the Constitution. .
The next branch was the executive, this is a power given to one man and his power is under tight congressional control. The President or Commander in Chief was is in charge of the army. To limit this control, it was ruled that only Congress could declare war. A set of checks and balances were made to limit his power. The President can veto any laws made by Congress, but at the same time, the Congress can override that veto with a two-thirds majority. With the advice and consent by enough Senators, the President can do any number of things. The Congress, or legislative branch, has some control over those decisions made by the President. The Congress is in charge of impeaching the President, as well as the Supreme Court. The President may seem to be powerful, but his power is very limited to what he can do. This power was put in Article 2 of the Constitution.
The third branch of the Constitution was the judicial branch. This power was written in Article 3 of the Constitution. When coming up with this branch, they did not know if there should be state court or federal courts. The delegates knew that there should be a Supreme Court, but could the state courts be trusted to follow the laws in the Constitution? They like the idea of judicial review because it followed the Constitution and was a form of checks and balances.