Barrier reefs also include regions of coral formation that include the zones found in fringing reefs. Fringing reefs are coral reefs that grow in shallow waters and border the coast closely or are separated from it by a narrow stretch of water. Fringing reefs consist of several zones that are characterized by their depth, the structure of the reef, and its plant and animal communities. These regions include the reef crest { part of the reef the waves break over}, the fore reef {the region of medium energy} and the buttress zone {the region where the coral growth includes rows of corals with sandy canyons between each row}. The third type of coral reefs are atolls. Atolls develop at or near the surface of the sea when islands that surrounded by reefs. Atolls separate a central lagoon and are circular or sub circular. There are two types of atolls: deep sea atolls that rise from deep sea and those found on the continental shelf. .
A variety of animals live in coral reefs. Each very unique and important. Sponges have been apart of the coral reef ecosystem from early on. Several species of these porous animals inhabit reefs. Sponges provide shelter for fishes, shrimp, crabs and other small animals. They appear in many shapes and colors. Sea anemones are close relatives of corals. Indo- Pacific reef anemones are know for their symbiotic relationships with clownfish and anemone fishes. Their tentacles provide protection for the fishes and their eggs. In return, anemone fishes may protect anemone from its predators. Bryozoans encrust the reef. These microscopic invertebrates from branching colonies over coral skeletons and reef debris, cementing the reef structure. The reef is also home to a variety of worms, including both flatworms, and polychaetes. Sea stars, and sea urchins live on the reef. The crown of thorns sea star is well known predator of coral polyps. Large number of these sea stars can devastate reefs, calcium carbonate skeletons.