At the age of eighteen an individual is legally considered an adult, yet they are assumed to not be ready to consume alcohol. The idea that an eighteen year old is not as mature as a person of twenty-one is ridiculous. There are plenty of eighteen year olds that are far more mature and responsible than a twenty-one year old. This country believes that at the age of eighteen one is ready to go to war and die for his country, but yet allowing him to drink is out of the question. When an eighteen year old joins the army he enters into training camps where he is trusted with extremely lethal weapons. At training camps around the country new recruits are trained in using machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, and tanks. They are taught to fly helicopters and man nuclear subs. If an individual is assumed to have enough responsibility to operate these killing machines safely then why is he not responsible enough to drink a beer safely? The assumption that legal adults, age eighteen, cannot responsibly consume alcohol is profoundly ludicrous and ignorant. It is difficult to understand that if you are going to send eighteen year olds to serve and protect our country why are they not considered old enough to drink alcohol. It does not make sense that one can be mature and responsible enough to go to war and possibly lose his life but yet not be legally allowed to consume alcohol. .
Just as eighteen year olds are asked to join the United States defense, they also are granted the freedom to vote, which is yet another qualification for reducing the drinking age. When a young person votes, they are taking part in America and showing that they support and believe in this country. The federal government recognizes all persons at least eighteen years of age as eligible voters. At eighteen you can vote for mayor, governor, senators, and even the president, which demonstrates the amount of control put into the hands of young adults.