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One large change

            One large change in ones life may bring out the superlative nature of his/her life, be it a good or bad change, humans naturally feed off getting out of trouble and changing the unpleasant into the excellent and anywhere in between. When one is in the worst of trouble, there is only one thing to look forward to and that is, "things can only get better", that might not be the best but it allows some to continue on and make them stronger. I feel a sudden change can force one to question his/her life and put more emphasis on living everyday to the fullest. While some find God the answer to there problems others find a psychiatrist more to there liking, some move closer to God and some further away. This "hot water" may cause more focus on life, death and afterlife.
             The beginning of human life can be argued, some believe we evolved and some believe we were put on planet earth by God. The Bible states in Ma. 10.39. "He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it". Some scientists believe, humans evolved from monkeys. Be it the Big Bang Theory or God's will to have followers, we all live on earth for a purpose some realize, others don't and for those it may take a significant change to give them time to think about what they have done through life and what could or should have been done differently. While life lasts an unknown period of time, the thought of wasting time becomes very clear, this brings some to live there life at the edge, thriving on life's last thread, others follow God's word as a true follower. These are dramatic changes for many and some may never really be effected so noticeably. .
             The thought of death is unbearable to some, the thought of losing a loved one or losing ones own life becomes hard to think about. That loss can and could come unexpectedly. As Jesus said in Ma. 10.28. "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell".

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